Shop oils Nefertiti

The company Nefertiti started in 2000 year in El Fayoum oases, located 130km from Cairo. El Fayoum is the largest oasis in the desert and has very fertile soil. Company built factory in El Fayoum and started to extract medical oils by cold pressure and eternal oil by distillation way. All products are organic.

Main shops and company office are located in Hurghada touristic city. The main shop has 600m2 area. Company have 4 comfortable presentation halls and 5 trade sections: (natural medical oil / medicinal herbs and spices / honey / natural cosmetic / ethereal essences - perfume). .

Take with you to the excursion: money for purchases.
Weekday of the excursion: Every day
Time of the excursion: Any time
Price: free